28 April 2009

Zodiac Diet

Astrologer June Baker-Howard explains how the characteristics of your zodiac sign can help you to lose weight.
And it works like this - the basic rule as astrology is that everything is true to its moment of time. Your horoscope or astrological birth chart displays the energy pattern present at the time you entered the world, and tells much about the structure of your own energy, mass and inner dynamics.
An awareness of these inner dynamics, including your inner strengths and potential weaknesses, is vital to the success of any slimming campaign

Aries (March 21-April 20)
Slimming Strengths: The ambitious side of you is one of your main slimming strengths. You possess the mental strength to give up any food or indulgence item that turns out to be damaging to your health or figure.
Slimming Weaknesses: A hurried lifestyle is one of the root causes of your eating problems. The desire to see quick results in whatever you start is one of your greatest obstacles because you become discouraged or impatient.

Taurus (April 21-May 21)
Slimming Strengths: Once you have deciced to pursue a course of action you rarely abandon it. Being practical, determined and even stubborn is one of your greatest slimming strengths, and you are unlikely to break your diet habits easily.
Slimming Weaknesses: You have gourmet tastes. And if you can't afford the lifestyle you would like, you may be tempted to compensate by awarding yourself generous portions of rich and indulgent foods.

Gemini (May 22-June 21)
Slimming Strengths: Gemini is essentially a 'slim' sign. Weight problems are relatibely uncommon for a Gemini because your restless energy provides you with the means to stay slim and retain a youthful figure.
Slimming Weaknesses: You are at your best when surrounded by an audience. Here lies your greatest weaknesses, as eating out can be detrimental to your figure. Also, if you find yourself under pressure it's far too easy for you to grab a snack.

Cancer (June 22-July 23)
Slimming Strengths: You use your Cancerian sensitivity to work out the best way to refuse unwanted food without causing offence. A white lie, such as: "I've already eaten" may be easier than explaining why you are trying to lose weight.
Slimming Weaknesses: Your first instinct when someone visits is to bring out the food, and your figure is also at risk when you accept hospitality, especially if the person presses you to "just finish this last little slice".

Leo (July 24-August 23)
Slimming Strengths: Pride in yourself represents one of your greatest dieting strengths. Although an inconsiderate remark can dent your egho, it can also act like a trigger to set you off on a determined fitness or slimming course.
Slimming Weaknesses: Winter represents your most dangerous period. Resist the tendency to turn to hearty meals for comfort. And Leo's stubborn streak makes you resistant to change, even when it's good for you.

Virgo (August 24-September 23)
Slimming Strengths: You are the perfectionist when it comes to correcting any imperfections in the way you look. And your main strength isthe way you break down formidable projects into more manageable tasks.
Slimming Weaknesses: You are aware of the impoartance of proper eating - but do you sometimes exist on just coffee all day, only to sit down to a mammoth meal in the evening? Eating regular meals is essential for you is you are to stay slim.

Libra (September 24-October 23)
Slimming Strengths: You are an ideal candidate for a structured diet plan, because you like the idea of a balanced life. And you will go to great lengths to look good if there's someone you want to impress.
Slimming Weaknesses: The most difficult part of starting a new project is initiating the action. All too often you wait for a decision to be forced upon you before you direct your energies into a new scheme or make a drastic lifestyle change.

Scorpio (October 24-November 22)
Slimming Strengths: Nothing is likely to stand in your way once you set your sights on a new body shape. You always aim to be the boss, so by controlling the amounts and the type of food you eat, you will be able to maintain your target weight once you have achieved it.
Slimming Weaknesses: You tend to veer from one extreme to another, from impressing others with your strong will to depressing yourself with a sudden attack of self-indulgence.

Sagittarius (November 23-December 21)
Slimming Strengths: You have lots of energy and enthusaism which is directed into whatever you do. And you possess a breadth of vision which enables you to identify your next main objective and go for it.
Slimming Weaknesses: Sagittarians are impulsive eaters and react instantly when a pang of hunger strikes. Another potential weight loss obstacle is impatience, which can cause you to abandon a diet before it has been given a fair go.

Capricorn (December 22-January 20)
Slimming Strengths: Your awareness of how you should look is a plus factor for your slimming ambitions. The mere thought of being described as a 'corpulent Capricorn' should motivate you to persevere with your weight loss plan.
Slimming Weaknesses: You place great store in the customs you've grown up with, and this represents your greatest slimming obstacle. You'll have to close the door on some of your past eating patterns to stay in shape.

Aquarius (January 21-February 19)
Slimming Strengths: You eat to live rather than living to eat, which makes you an ideal candidate for a diet. Here lies one of your greatest strengths, because it means that food doesn't dominate your thoughts.
Slimming Weaknesses: One of your slimming weaknesses is the tendency to 'make do' with snacks. Avoid rushing out to buy essentials, such as milk and bread, and instead staggering back with biscuits, nuts and other fatty foods.

Pisces (February 20-March 20)
Slimming Strengths: Compliments mean a great deal to Pisces, so you will probably go to tremendous lengths to win the approval of those you admire. This need to prove yourself is a positive slimming advantage.
Slimming Weaknesses: One of your obstacles is a tendency to procrastinate. Sometimes you put things off, not because you're lazy but because you're afraid of failure. Avoid eating with anyone who dominates you, especially at the dinner table.

17 April 2009

Hari ni kite cite topic " ORG GAJI CELAKA "

mmg kasar bunyi wordnyer...tp itu la hakikat betapa jahatnyer sesetengah maid dari indon nih....klu dia buat kat binatang aku xla terasa sgt tp nih buat kt budak kecik..manusia yg bernyawa...mmg sial la maid nih...klu aku jumpe mmg kena pijak smpi koma la kau....

jom tengok video maid celaka nih....


aku terasa sgt sbb aku pun seorg ibu...naluri ibu nih mmg sensitif bile tgk video2 cam gini...

13 April 2009

Berat arini????

setelah hampir 3 bulan bersama HL dan Diva Sauna beratku kini jeng..jeng..jeng.....70.1kg.... yg lain ape aku buat n ape aku makan aku malas nak cite...nanti bile aku dah confiden nak upload gambo yg cun2...aku bg kengkawan kt luar sana tengok keselimanku........................

31 March 2009

The way to cure Obesity is not always by lowering your Daily Calories, and here's why...

Haven't you ever wondered why some people are naturally overweight while other people can remain skinny while eating twice as much?

The truth is that your total "daily calories" is not the deciding factor in whether you're overweight or skinny.

You see, there are 3 main types of calories that you can eat each day.

First, there is protein...

Next, there are carbohydrates (carbs)...

And finally there are fat calories...

The truth is that your body doesn't pay attention to how many daily calories are eaten, but rather your body pays attention to how much of EACH TYPE of calorie that you consume.

For example, if you eat too many sugar based calories (sugar is common in fat free foods) then your body won't be able to use all of those sugar calories, and the excess calories will be stored as fat tissue.

This can happen even if you didn't eat very many daily calories, because if you eat too many "wrong" calories then you'll get fat. This is why many obese people remain overweight their whole lives even though they eat less than some of their skinny friends and family members....

And it doesn't have to be this way, because even though it's true that some people have slower metabolisms (and suffer from obesity) they can still get just as skinny as their friends if they just learn to EAT THE RIGHT TYPES OF CALORIES EACH DAY.

You see, your body needs protein, carbs and fat calories too. Your body needs all 3 types of calories, but it does not need them all in the same proportions at every meal.

Certain types of fat calories can speed up weight loss believe it or not, while other types of "fat free foods" will actually make you overweight if you eat them too often.

Why else do you think that losing weight is so difficult? Why else do you think that our society is suffering from a serious obesity problem which is getting worse?

It's because the ANSWER to weight loss is the OPPOSITE of what most people think. Most average people have been brought up to believe that eating "fat" is bad and that eating "fat free foods" is healthy.

That may "seem" logical at first, but in reality the opposite is often true. Eating "fat" does not automatically turn to fat tissue on your body, and eating "fat free" does not automatically cause weight loss to happen either.

To begin losing weight you must realize this fact and open your mind to a new way of dieting.If you want to lose weight fast then you must learn to eat foods which have fat burning properties, and these are foods which keep your blood sugar level more stable throughout the day.

You see, if you eat foods which cause your blood sugar level to spike upwards too sharply then you'll feel "energetic" for a short while -- but then afterwards your blood sugar level will drop way too low and you'll feel tired and lethargic for the rest of the day.The higher your blood sugar rises after a meal, then the lower it will drop afterward.

...And when it drops you'll feel tired and hungry all over again. This is why obese people often suffer from "highs and lows" in their energy level.

But if you begin eating fat burning foods (which keep your blood sugar level stable throughout the day) then your energy will be steady all day long, you'll have plenty of energy and you won't ever feel tired of lethargic.Also, when your blood sugar level is kept stable then your body's natural fat burning engine will begin burning more fat tissue. That's why these are called "fat burning foods".

25 March 2009


my weight as per today is 72.2kg....actually xde mood sgt nak menulis arini..my beloved son 'demam'...cian dia..

pada kengkawan kat luar sana enjoy ur shake k!!!!

17 March 2009

HL & Sauna

after a month plus..my weight now is 74kg...i'm quit hapi with my progress..HL & sauna help me alot...up to date i dah habihkan duit RM 450 (sauna) & RM 650 (HL)..bebaloi sgt...

dulu aku habihkan RM 4K kt slimming centre 2 bln turun 5kg jer. . tp ngan HL aku bleh turun almost 10kg in a month only...

mujurlah aku tesedar awal....skng aku akan setia ngan HL & sauna....itu janjiku.....