27 February 2009
I’m not feeling well........
Look closely at the excerpt taken from Encarta below:
Dengue Fever, seasonal viral infection characterized by fever, headache, extreme pain in the joints and muscles, and skin rash. A more serious but less common form of the disease, dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF), may cause severe and fatal internal bleeding.
I do have a rash on my arms..oh my God...........
23 February 2009
7th Day HL
Pagi nih timbang..waduhhh...turun lagi...1/2kg..w/pun aku dah belasah nasi minyak smlm tp tetap ada penurunan...sungguh menakjubkan ...ok2 bawak btenang...hari nih kena usaha lebih skit. Let's start together...
Fara's Weight Loss Tips!
Weight loss tip #1:
Don't have tempting foods in your house. Your house is your safe zone.
Weight loss tip #2:
Journal everything you eat and do with exercise. This gives you history to learn from.
Weight loss tip #3:
Make sure everyone you know understands how important living healthy means to you. This cuts a lot of temptation out!
Weight loss tip #4:
Eat every three hours!!! Learn to fuel the body for fat loss.
Weight loss tip #5:
Eat as clean as possible. Junk food gets you nowhere! Even if it's in a 100 calorie pack form, you don't need it.
Fara's Weight Loss Eating Plan!
F1 + Teamix + Plain Water
Anything (No Carbo)
F1 + Taemix + Plain Water
Snacks or Mini Meals:
Fruits or less protein bars.
Fara's Weight Loss Workouts!
Weight Training:
Five days a week at 7:30 a.m. Different body part each day. I typically super and triple set my workouts. It takes about 20 minutes to complete.
30-45 minutes of cardio (treadmill) at 8:00 p.m. If I have less time I will do high intensity cardio, but I typically keep it moderate to high.
20 February 2009
4rd Day HL
19 February 2009
3rd Day HL
18 February 2009
2nd Day HL
pagi : air kosong + roti sekeping jer, + F1 +teamix
tgh hari : air kosong + sup tomyam (xder nasik k) + teamix
mlm : air kosong + F1 + teamix
now for the exercise part, I personally set to go walking one to two miles perday on my treadmill only, then I also plan on doing all the regular stretches that I used to do before I got so fat, I figure I'll start out with twenty-five of each exercise and work towards a goal of a 50 reps of each exercise, I also plan to jump rope several times per day, and use a glider that I have several times per day, also use a step machine a few times a day (at least two times a day).
oh! another thing I have been doing is going on different sites and reading about people who have lost a hundred pounds or more so I can see what they did so maybe I can get some helpful ideas.
apepun i always be careful as i working towards my goal and normally i'll stop exercising if i feel dizzy or lightheaded or happen to get chest pains, so far using this way i'll be able to reduce my weight 4-5kg/mths. i believe it is possible.
17 February 2009
My Son's Gallery
My Goal with Herbalife
When I start 'BIG'??

Herbalife Gosip
Just now, I went through some personal family pics (Raya 2008). Ohh!!! My god ...... I really look big! I went to look at myself in the mirror....... eh.. tak de le besar sesangat. But when I look back at the pics in the computer..... gigg...memang I look big.
Then one day I asked my besfren." Su am I big? Really... tell me frankly!" I said.
" Well.... honestly..... jangan marah, boleh tahan jugak lah!" was her sincere answer.
" Ei..... ye ke?? What am i going to do? I big and you chubby." What am i going to do?" I asked again.
We came up with a few suggestions.
Here they are:
*DIET ............... No..... susahlah .... tak tahan godaan!!!!!
*EXERCISE ............. Ei...... malaslah... tak larat!!!!!
*ENROL di MARIE FRANCE BODYLINE ....... kering la poket ku.........KAH!KAH!KAH! That's all funny. We both laughed at the idea.
Suddenly Su said "I know...I know......".
"What? Apa dia?" i were eager to know.HERBALIFE!!! LET"S TRY HERBALIFE!!!!
So many people out there said..... boleh reduce weight. You can see the difference within a month.
Me : Ish... betul ke????????
Su : Dah ada living proof. So ape kata kita cuba. i let u try first becoz i don't hv more budget dis months. If it works to u then both of us use the product. Both agreed.
And Herbalife..... it shall be! i'll wait and see for the result.I hope to be SMALLER than what I am now. And hopefully BOTH will be SMALL or SLIGHTLY SLIM. Baru le dua-duanya MENGANCAM!!!