27 February 2009

I’m not feeling well........

I think I’m going to get a teribble cold. I hope this is just a plain influenza. Not the nasty Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever, Thyphus, nor Hepatitis.

Look closely at the excerpt taken from Encarta below:

Dengue Fever, seasonal viral infection characterized by fever, headache, extreme pain in the joints and muscles, and skin rash. A more serious but less common form of the disease, dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF), may cause severe and fatal internal bleeding.

I do have a rash on my arms..oh my God...........

23 February 2009

7th Day HL

Pagi nih timbang..waduhhh...turun lagi...1/2kg..w/pun aku dah belasah nasi minyak smlm tp tetap ada penurunan...sungguh menakjubkan ...ok2 bawak btenang...hari nih kena usaha lebih skit. Let's start together...

Fara's Weight Loss Tips!

Weight loss tip #1:

Don't have tempting foods in your house. Your house is your safe zone.

Weight loss tip #2:

Journal everything you eat and do with exercise. This gives you history to learn from.

Weight loss tip #3:

Make sure everyone you know understands how important living healthy means to you. This cuts a lot of temptation out!

Weight loss tip #4:

Eat every three hours!!! Learn to fuel the body for fat loss.

Weight loss tip #5:

Eat as clean as possible. Junk food gets you nowhere! Even if it's in a 100 calorie pack form, you don't need it.

Fara's Weight Loss Eating Plan!

F1 + Teamix + Plain Water

Anything (No Carbo)

F1 + Taemix + Plain Water

Snacks or Mini Meals:
Fruits or less protein bars.

Fara's Weight Loss Workouts!

Weight Training:
Five days a week at 7:30 a.m. Different body part each day. I typically super and triple set my workouts. It takes about 20 minutes to complete.

30-45 minutes of cardio (treadmill) at 8:00 p.m. If I have less time I will do high intensity cardio, but I typically keep it moderate to high.

20 February 2009

4rd Day HL

My weight today is 80.6kg..i did well with herbalife..............yahooooooooooooooooo suker sgt...Alhamdulillah..

19 February 2009

Ohh My God....

i don't want to be like this 4ever...

3rd Day HL

Morning Iman!!!

Today early morning bgn tido aku terus cari penimbang....yes..yes..yes...berat aku turun lagi 500g..ni yg buat aku terus semangat nak kurus...anak aku tekulat2 jer nengok mak nyer teloncat2 sorang2..budak kecik ni pun satu cepat plak dia bangun...

18 February 2009

My Weight Progress

2nd Day HL

Pagi tadi timbang ting..ting..ting... wah sonoknyer dah turun 0.5kg... ade improvement... nih yg semangat nak diet nih...


pagi : air kosong + roti sekeping jer, + F1 +teamix

tgh hari : air kosong + sup tomyam (xder nasik k) + teamix

mlm : air kosong + F1 + teamix

now for the exercise part, I personally set to go walking one to two miles perday on my treadmill only, then I also plan on doing all the regular stretches that I used to do before I got so fat, I figure I'll start out with twenty-five of each exercise and work towards a goal of a 50 reps of each exercise, I also plan to jump rope several times per day, and use a glider that I have several times per day, also use a step machine a few times a day (at least two times a day).

oh! another thing I have been doing is going on different sites and reading about people who have lost a hundred pounds or more so I can see what they did so maybe I can get some helpful ideas.

apepun i always be careful as i working towards my goal and normally i'll stop exercising if i feel dizzy or lightheaded or happen to get chest pains, so far using this way i'll be able to reduce my weight 4-5kg/mths. i believe it is possible.

17 February 2009

My Weight Progress 1

My Son's Gallery

My life started when i found a beautiful man and we started a family. I make sure I think about my beautiful baby every second I can, hold him at every chance, and ignore my housework to play with him and NEVER feel guilty about it.


To be a mother is an honor, it is a gift, and a blessing. You are given unconditional love by your children in ways you will never imagine, love never experienced. Your children are God given and were meant to be. If you are chosen to be a Mother do not let it pass you by. You will never be alone, you will have a reason to live, you have the strength, and you CAN do it. They are the chosen ones who will reign when we are gone, and will show us things that we have never known or will know unless through them. THEY ARE OUR FUTURE, CHERISH THEM.

My Goal with Herbalife

Now my weight is around 82kg. i need to get rid about 22kg...huh..banyak tuh...agak nyer bile aku bleh capai berat anak dara dulu erk.............xpe...la nih kena kuat semangat...kawan2 aku yg saiz beso kat luar bleh slim xkan aku xbleh.....
aku akan pastikan berat aku turun ke angka 7+kg ujung bulan Mac nih....USAHA.....................
Makan kena jaga...aku nih selalu terkantoi....camne erk nak buat...kosongkn acount kot..bile dah tak berduit tak le aku belanja makan jer....okey2 aku cube skng.

When I start 'BIG'??

When I’ve started working at Batu Caves, I’ve really neglected myself. I dont exercise at all, and it shows. Clothes that were loose some years back, are really very snug now. Some of which, were deemed as inappropriate by my mum that she actually threw it away!

Pic on My Wedding Day Mac '07 (56kg)

Sometimes I look at myself and I wonder how I got so large. (Ok, so I binge eat alot) Back in school, I’d never go more than 70 kilograms. Nowadays, I’d be lucky if I dont tip the 100kg mark. Lets face it, I’m already overweight.

I’m not fine with the way that I look actually. In fact, I actually like my last few years body type (hehehe...betoi ker wording aku nih). A woman’s self worth should not be measured by slimness of her waist. But the truth is, it does get depressing when trying to buy new clothes, finding that you need several size larger than what you normally used to wear before. It is even worse now that I feel more lethargic than have ever felt before. I cant do 2.4km without gasping of air. Just climbing up the stairs will leave me panting.

Just on monday, after having lunch with my frenz, I was so tired, that I dropped myself and almost couldnt concentrate on the work. This is bad.
Luckily for me, I have my mum for guidance. Even my good friend Su is asking me to join her for Yoga. At least with friends, they give you some form of motvation. hopefully it wont be so bad after all. But aku x join pun yoga tuh...mane ade masa..(actually malas kot hehehe........)

Herbalife Gosip

Salam and hi to all,

Just now, I went through some personal family pics (Raya 2008). Ohh!!! My god ...... I really look big! I went to look at myself in the mirror....... eh.. tak de le besar sesangat. But when I look back at the pics in the computer..... gigg...memang I look big.

Then one day I asked my besfren." Su am I big? Really... tell me frankly!" I said.
" Well.... honestly..... jangan marah, boleh tahan jugak lah!" was her sincere answer.
" Ei..... ye ke?? What am i going to do? I big and you chubby." What am i going to do?" I asked again.

We came up with a few suggestions.
Here they are:
*DIET ............... No..... susahlah .... tak tahan godaan!!!!!
*EXERCISE ............. Ei...... malaslah... tak larat!!!!!
*ENROL di MARIE FRANCE BODYLINE ....... kering la poket ku.........KAH!KAH!KAH! That's all funny. We both laughed at the idea.

Suddenly Su said "I know...I know......".
"What? Apa dia?" i were eager to know.HERBALIFE!!! LET"S TRY HERBALIFE!!!!
So many people out there said..... boleh reduce weight. You can see the difference within a month.

Me : Ish... betul ke????????
Su : Dah ada living proof. So ape kata kita cuba. i let u try first becoz i don't hv more budget dis months. If it works to u then both of us use the product. Both agreed.

And Herbalife..... it shall be! i'll wait and see for the result.I hope to be SMALLER than what I am now. And hopefully BOTH will be SMALL or SLIGHTLY SLIM. Baru le dua-duanya MENGANCAM!!!

1st Day HL.

Hari ni aku nak cube produk nih..ntah nape tiba2 bekobar2 nak rasa kuruskan badan. Nway i hope dis is my last trial. Banyak dah duit aku perabih untuk produk2 pelangsingan nih tp sume hampeh.