04 March 2009

Weight Loss Traps!

You’re probably falling into 1 of many weight loss traps. This is totally destroying any chance you have at successfully losing weight. Look, I’m going to briefly outline a couple simple traps and the solutions to them in this 2 minutes long article. So read this NOW.

Weight Loss Traps:

1. Not drinking enough water

Look, I know you don’t want to hear this, but there’s a reason why you need to drink water. If you don’t drink enough, your body will force itself to retain extra water… at least 3-8 glass of extra water. This has to do with survival and thousands of years ago. If you want to drop water weight fast and lose some pounds within 2 days, drink extra water to the point that your urine is light yellow or clear.

2. Not eating enough food

You can starve yourself and lose weight, but you’ll regain the weight. So there’s no point to starving yourself. If you starve yourself, your body slows down your metabolism to conserve energy. So it’s basically doing everything it can to retain the fat you already have on your body. You’re basically fighting yourself when you don’t eat enough.

3. Eat 2 or 3 big meals a day

WRONG! Your body needs small meals for fuel. For many reasons. First, smaller meals more often speed up your metabolism due to the digestive process. There’s fat burning going on when you’re digesting food. You can eat the same amount of food, just spread it out among more meals. This causes way more fat burning.

If you don’t fall into these 3 weight loss traps, you have a lot better chance at losing weight and keeping it off.

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